Wednesday, October 18, 2006

26 weeks. . and a giant pain in the. . . well you know where!

From Babycenter:

The network of nerves in your baby's ears is more sensitive than before — he may now be able to hear your partner's voice as well as yours as you chat with each other. You may start to get more backaches, too, now that you're carrying so much weight up front. Are you in the midst of childbirth classes, a room redo, and other preparations now? Just make sure that you also continue to eat well and get plenty of rest.

How your baby's growing: Your baby now weighs a little under 2 pounds and measures about 14 inches, from head to heel. The nerve pathways in her ears are developing, which means her response to sounds is growing more consistent. Her lungs are developing now, too, as she continues to take small breaths of amniotic fluid — good practice for when she's born and takes that first breath of air. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.

How your life's changing:
Around this time, your blood pressure may be increasing slightly as it returns to its normal pre-pregnancy range. (It was at a low from 22 to 24 weeks.) Though
preeclampsia most often occurs in the last trimester, this is a good time to be aware of the warning signs of this dangerous condition that occurs in about 3 to 7 percent of all pregnancies. Signs you should be alert for include swelling of the hands and face, sudden weight gain (due to water retention), blurry vision, seeing spots before your eyes, sudden severe or persistent headaches, or upper abdominal pain. By checking for high blood pressure and protein in your urine, your caregiver will monitor you for preeclampsia at your routine prenatal visits, but call her immediately if you have any of these symptoms before your next appointment. Early identification of preeclampsia is essential for the health of you and your baby.If your back seems a little achy lately, you can thank pregnancy hormones (which are loosening up your joints and ligaments) and your shifting center of gravity. Walking, standing, or sitting for long periods, bending and lifting can all put a strain on your back. A warm bath — or cool compress — might bring relief. Or you may want to schedule a prenatal massage by a trained therapist. Use a pregnancy wedge when sleeping, to support your back and abdomen. Try to maintain good posture, which will help reduce the strain on your back, and always take care when bending and lifting. If you experience severe pain or numbness in any area of your body, call your practitioner.


so. . no back pain. . but groin pain. . .seriously. . debilitating, sharp, shooting pains. This started on Monday and has just gotten progressively worse. It hurts to walk especially. . which is a problem. . since unfortunately my wings are busted so I can't currently fly! :)

I finally broke down yesterday evening and called the OB's office. My doctor wasn't in but the other doctor in the practice told me that it's either round lingament pain or (more likely) my pubic bones separating. doesn't that sound like fun??!!! best part??? there's NOTHING they can do. Basically it's stay off your feet, hot compresses if you can (yeah work isn't exactly conducive to that) and Tylenol.. . .woo hoo. .that's it. He said that it MIGHT go away. .it MIGHT get better or it MIGHT get worse. . . . . I probably shouldn't complain due to the fact that I have had such a great pregnancy. But I can't do this for 14 more weeks. It's so bad it brings tears sometimes. He also said that if it's REALLY bad we can talk about physical therapy. I'm not too keen on the idea. . .but we'll see. my next appointment with Dr. F is on October 27. .so hopefully it'll be better by then. . .otherwise. .we'll be having a "chat".

In other news. . another one of my closest friends told us she's expecting also. . in May though :) How exciting. Ellery's going to have lots of friends to play with!!! :)


Blogger ~Mel said...

So my pains aren't as painful as yours but I can definitely sympathize.... try to rest!!

Btw, my Mom now reads your blog daily as well. She loves reading your progress.

8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren't these pains fun? I had the ligament stretching with Morgan, but they shifted position and then went away once she got bigger. I'll keep my fingers crossed! Gotta love all these babies being born~Morgan's going to have a ton of playmates!


8:38 AM  

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