Sunday, September 16, 2007

8 months old!!

Ellery was 8 months old on Friday - I think I say it every month but I just can't believe how FAST time is passing!!!! 8 months old - she's going to be a year old before I know it!!!


weight/length/percentiles: NO clue - we don't have another doctor's appointment until next month - her 9 month well baby check.

Clothing sizes - it's so strange - she can fit into 3-6 gymboree, 6-12 Gymboree somewhat fits - but it's HUGE in the waist. .. a lot of her cotton jammies are 6-9 months and they are huge at the top but her little toes are right at the end LOL I think i'll be buying more 2 piece jammie sets :)

sleeping: same as usual - bedtime is about 7:30 now . . she doesnt always go right to sleep but she's still IN her crib at that time

teeth: still just those 2 on the bottom - nothing else going on it seems

smiling: of course!!!

laughing out loud: she is laughing out loud so much more and she's SO ticklish. . i love her absolutely adorable little giggle.

crawling: Like a speed demon . . she is ALL over the place . .it's so hard to keep her contained!!

pulling up/walking: she pulls up on EVERYTHING and i'm sure it's not going to be long before the cruising and walking starts :).

eating: 6oz every 4 hours (24 oz daily) . . . she also eats solids like a champ. . 3 meals of solids. . stage 2 and stage 3 - she is having a little trouble with the chewing. .but we're getting there. . we just keep trying...

other: babbling and using lots of vowels and consonant sounds - still saying Dada and occasionally I hear that Mama comes out occasionally - I've never heard it though LOL
we moved her out of the baby tub this week and she's taking baths in the big girl tub
we're looking at convertible car seats and hope to get one soon so that we can stop lugging the infant seat around - it's SO heavy!!!!

we found a great sippy she can use - it's a Nuby with a straw. amazingly the kiddo can drink from a straw. . i figured she'd be able to since it's the tipping back of the cup that she has a problem with


Blogger ~Mel said...

Oh my goodness... 8 months already?? Where did that time go? I remember when I first discovered your pregnancy blog.

She's just so cute. I love the pic of her napping in her crib - she looks so peaceful & content.

Kudos to you for doing such a great job the first 8 months... only 17 yrs & 4 months to go.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a big girl!! adorable!

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ellery,
You're getting so BIG! I just want to tickle those toes and see you giggle! I can't wait to see you - about 4 weeks!! We'll have a great time - you and me and mommy and daddy. I LOVE YOU!!!
~Auntie Kerry

2:10 PM  

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