Monday, March 10, 2008

Once again - Mommy's a bad blogger

SOMEONE (who apparently reads but doesn't comment) pointed out that it's been a while since I've updated the blog.

SO - here I am :)

We've had a major medical crisis with my mom ongoing so I haven't been as good about updating as I should.

ANYway - Ellery's now almost 14 months old and is just an absolute utter joy. She's SO happy all the time (or most of the time!)

she does have a stubborn streak and quite the temper (um hello Daddy LOL).

It's pretty much been the same old same old here. . . although she is pretty much walking everywhere now - she hardly crawls at all . . and tonight she pretty much RAN across the living room.

She looks less and less like a baby everyday and more like a little girl - which kind of breaks mommy's heart a little. . .

Ellery seems to be adjusting to the springing ahead that daylight savings time brought. . if only Mommy was doing so well. I DO have new pictures to post but I'll have to do that tomorrow :)


Blogger ~Mel said...

Can't wait to see the latest pictures of Ellery!!

5:20 AM  

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