Monday, April 06, 2009

Ahhhh the Terrible 2s

We're in the throes of the terrible 2's at our house - anyone want a child?? she's pretty cute!!! (see below)

I don't know what's going on but I would LOVE to know where my sweet little princess went. I see glimpses of her but there's a lot of time outs and redirecting and unpleasantness. UGH

She still is such a trooper though - she's has her entire routine and schedule turned upside down with my mom being unable to care for her - and she's still smiling!!! She loves taking the train with Daddy and she loves playing with the other kids at daycare :) Thank goodness!! That makes the rest of it much easier to take!!!

Her newest thing is "it's nice to meet you ________", complete with handshakes. LOL The other day it was "it's so nice to meet you mommy". Silly girl!!! And she must be introducing herself to people because the other day I caught her saying "hi, me ellery"

OH! and I'm not sure where she learned it but she can sing "Rockabye Baby" now. when she hurts herself or wants to cuddle she'll come over and ask for it to be sung to her, rest her head on my shoulder and just hang out. I secretly love it :)

I did get her on video singing it too. . I'll have to have John upload it so I can post it here :)


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