Monday, October 23, 2006

a Saturday night at Labor and Delivery

I hadn't really felt Ellery move all that much Friday and Saturday during the day. . .so Saturday night after pretty much freaking out I called the doctor. The covering doctor called me back and said that it was probably nothing but for my peace of mind to go ahead and go to Labor and Delivery and get checked out. (He was SUPER nice and if Dr. F isn't on when I go into labor I hope he is ROFL). He called ahead and they were expecting me when I got to Winchester. (Side note: VERY nice not to have to go to the ER ROFL)

When we got there the L&D nurse (named Lois) spent about an hour and half with us. I was hooked up to 2 monitors: 1 for Ellery's heartrate and the other for contractions (luckily I wasn't having any). Anyway ..she spent all that time with us - listening to Ellery's heart and movements. Bascially she was "training me" (for lack of a better term) to correllate the wooshing on the monitor to the feeling I was (or wasn't) feeling. The deal is I probably won't feel 90% of her movements b/c of the anterior placenta. . . .but she's 100% fine. she was pretty much constantly moving the entire time we were there :)

and now she's moving a TON more. .so I don't know if getting prodded a little Sat. night moved her around and she's in a better place for me to feel or what. . but i'll take it :)


Blogger ~Mel said...

Do they expect that you'll feel her move around A TON at 26 weeks??

Or do they expect that around 28 weeks? But it's good that you got it checked out and that everything & everyone is doing well!

1:57 PM  

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