Wednesday, November 29, 2006

32 week picture and update

Wow - here we are. . .32 weeks. . . just about 8 weeks to go until Miss Ellery's due date. EEK!!

I'm in freak out mode..mostly because December is going to be SOO busy with the holidays and stuff and will probably just fly right by!!!

Ellery's pretty much all set for clothes and other necessitites - we just need to bring the crib home from my parents and finish setting up her room (oh yeah and that bureau we ordered coming in would be FANTASTIC too )

As far as me - I'm feeling pretty darn good. . still have the groin pain, especially if I've been doing a lot of walking and when I'm in bed at night rolling over is *SO* painful!!! But I'll get through it! Dr. Freedman says I'm doing phenomenally well and everything seems pretty much on Target. At yesterday's appointment I was measuring 34 weeks - which I guess is fine. . blood pressure's been fantastic. . .weight. . well I'm up another 5 pounds which is a total of 35 pounds. .ack. But I know it's worth it. Baby Ellery is happy and healthy (as far as we know :) ) so all is well! Oh. . and the peeing thing is really my only complaint. I pee constantly.....and those who know me not pregnant know I'm similar to a camel. . I usually only go once or twice a day. . .so several million trips to the bathroom a day (okay. . I exaggerate but only SLIGHTLY :) ) are pretty annoying. Again. .if that's the only problem. . I'll gladly take it.

so without further ado. . here's me (I look ginormous next to the tree lol)


Blogger Erin said...

Glad everything is going well!!

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so happy to hear everything is going well! gotta love the whole peeing all the time thing...i dread that when the time comes for me! LOL you are sooo cute! love that photo of you..and btw, i am NOT a fibber...i really do have a package for you..Nate's sending it out today!! haha! Take Care & so excited for you!

10:05 AM  

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