Tuesday, November 14, 2006

the aftermath of the shower

All of our gifts (except the big stuff - that's at my parents) is home and in Ellery's room. . Holy crapola!!!

after taking inventory we STILL have stuff to buy. . I can't believe it!!! The things we need off the top of my head: bottles, drop ins, nipples, pacifiers, a slipcover for the boppy, changing pad covers, mattress pads, pack and play sheets, more recieving blankets - a lot of little stuff .. which I am *SO* greatful for!!!

We have some things to return - we ended up with 3 bumbo seats. . so 2 are going back to the store and we'll get some of the stuff listed above :)

we also need to buy infant tylenol, gas drops etc.

AND (who would have thought) we need to buy clothes!!!! lol everyone gave us clothes (pretty much) but it was awesome - such a range of sizes so we don't have too much of anything. . so now we get to fill in the gaps (YAY!!!!) we need jammies definately (we have like 1 pair ROFL) and some other little outfits for 0-3 months .. I think that's all we're going to buy for now and then see how big she is.

wow...so much to do still.. ...


Blogger ~Mel said...

That's what I expected with showers - everyone tells you to put all this stuff on the registry list and you still have to go out and buy it. But at least you'll be able to pick out things you like & will use!!
Can't wait to see the clothes you got & pick out!!

6:01 AM  

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