Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Scary scary stuff!

Yesterday when I got to my parent's house to pick Ellery up after work my mom said "something happened today" and I immediately started panicking.

Turns out that my mom gave Ellery a "cookie" today (one of those biter biscuits) - now this is completely normal . . she has them all the time and does really well chewing them etc. Well now that she has more teeth she bites them - and big pieces come with those bites - do you see where this is going??

1 big chunk got lodged in her throat. She was eating it sitting in her Exersaucer so it's not like she was crawling all around etc. My mom said she made a funny noise and she could tell that something wasn't mom had to dig around in her throat and get it out!!! Nanny saved Ellery's life yesterday!!!

SO - I hugged both my mom and my little baby a little tighter yesterday . . . so scary!! Thank goodness Nanny has a cool head and went right into action. . .I just can't imagine :(

OH! and today is John's 28th birthday!!! Ellery would like to wish her Daddy a Happy Birthday!!!! :) :) *she told me .. I swear it*


Blogger ~Mel said...

Ok that's some serious stuff right there. I think about infant CPR all the time and that I'm stupid for not being certified.

Thank god your Mom was there and had a level head! Glad to hear everything is good.

and Happy Birthday, John!

12:57 PM  

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