Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Our first illness

(well I'm excluding the reflux and an ear infection that she supposedly had that didn't seem to bother her LOL)

Ellery woke up at about 2am on Saturday morning SCREAMING bloody murder. Now - this is NOT Ellery style behavior AT ALL!!! She hasn't woken up in the middle of the night since she started sleeping through all that time ago!!!

She settled back down and was fine until her usual wake up time of 6:30ish - John got her up and I knew right away she had a cold. .

poor little monkey girl. .she was SO snotty and stuffy :(. I was after her with tissues for the majority of Saturday - which she did NOT like at all!!! We went out and ran errands. .to Target and the mall which was good to get her out. . but she turned into the kid I swore I'd never have. . you know the one with snot all over her face ROFL ROFL ah well!! such is life. It's not worth making her hysterical over a little snot ROFL. We bought one of those Triaminic vapor fans for her room - best 5.00 I have ever spent. It releases cherry menthol vapor and totally helped her breathe.

We called the pediatrician on Saturday night - only because I wanted to make sure we were doing everything possible. We elevated the head of her crib, used the vapor fan and some baby vick's vaporub. That's pretty much it! She didn't have a fever at all which is a blessing and honestly even though she felt crummy, she was still in pretty good humor (as always).

She does, however, now scream bloody murder when she even SEES the blue nose sucker thing. I only used it twice with a little bit of saline to help break up the crusties. . .and although it helped it was so traumatic for her that it wasn't worth it at all!!

So - I was home yesterday due to Veteran's Day so it was a Mommy and Ellery day. She is thankfully much better and it sounds like the cold in her nose is breaking up. Thank goodness!!!

I am pleased that she made it pretty much to 10 months old without an illness!! We're VERY lucky!!!

(how is she almost 10 months old??!! how did THAT happen??)


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