Ellery's 12 month appointment
She weighs 22lbs 12oz and is 31.1 inches long. Which puts her in the 77th percentile for her weight and the 96.62 percentile for her length. . .not sure exactly where she's getting that length from!!!!
Dr. S is extremely happy with everything and says that she looks perfect!
We talked about transitioning her to whole milk (for the next couple of days we'll do half and half and if there's no adverse effects we can transition her to milk completely). Dr. S would like to see her off the bottle by 15 months, so next week we'll start using the sippy one bottle at a time. She doesn't think it's a big deal that Ellery can't really get the hang of a regular sippy - she needs one with a straw.
Ellery had the rest of her flu shot, her third HepB shot and her last Prevnar shot. She was NOT a happy camper :(
We talked about the chicken pox vaccine (we'll be holding off for this one) and MMR (she'll get it at 18 months instead of 15 months).
So. . that's about it. All is well in Ellery-ville :)