Wednesday, April 09, 2008

It's always a learning experience (an update :) )

This whole motherhood thing is ALWAYS a learning experience - LOL just when I think I've got it figured out and we're good. . BAM!!! Some wrench is thrown in the works. With Ellery teething and TRYING to get those molars to come through we've had a lot of ups and downs. . .she's crabby, running a fever, she refuses dinner etc. The latest "down" is her afternoon nap.

She doesn't want to take one. While I know some babies give up the 2 nap cycle after they're a year old. . but quite frankly, she needs it. She's exhausted and by the time we get home she's crabby as all heck. argh

Let's see what else is going on. . . she's pointing a ton more and saying "what's that" (well . .that's what I *think* she's saying :) )

She did the coolest thing the other day. . she was wearing a shirt with a big cupcake on it and I said "show mommy the cupcake" and the pointed right to it!!!!

Last night I said "where's Ellery's tummy?" and she pointed again (lower this time)!!!!

it's SOOO cute :) :) :)

she's learning SO much so fast.....!!!


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