Thursday, May 22, 2008

a better update - and funny baby!!!

So - maybe now I'll actually have a second to update -

Ellery's doing well after last week's horrific bout with some kind of virus. LAST Wednesday afternoon my mom called me to tell me that she was throwing up. . long story short she had some sort of virus - couldn't keep a thing down. . . was so sad and listless and had a fever of about 101.5. Sunday she was doing better but not 100% and now she's back to her old self. . thank goodness!!!

It made me realize what an amazingly good natured child she normally is!!!

Let's see what else - she finds everything FUNNY these days. . she's always chuckling and laughing at random things.

LOVES commercials - especially for (and this is ODD) medicine and Toyotas ROFL - strange.

My mom actually just called to tell me the FUNNIEST story about Ellery and I wanted to share it here :)

my mom was folding laundry and ellery put it all nice and neat in the basket

then my mom said. . .go put your bibs away in your room

so ellery gets this push toy (it's like a mail thing with envelopes and slots) and opens the little door on the bottom, puts her bibs in. . and off she goes

granted she went to the kitchen. . not her room

but still ROFL


Blogger ~Mel said...

Such a smart little one!!

11:03 AM  

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