Wednesday, December 20, 2006

35 week thoughts (and doctor's appt. update)

Now that I'm going to the doctor's every week. . I'll just update about that when I do my little "journal" for the week. :) bet you're excited now :)

so....35 weeks. .. . I think that I've personally reached a turning point. Up until 2 weeks ago I was wishing and hoping that the pregnancy portion of this journey could last forever. . . even though I'm pretty uncomfortable. .it's been a fantastic pregnancy overall and quite frankly. . I'm scared to death of becoming someone's mommy. Odd huh? Anyway. .as of Sunday I think that all changed. I told John that I'm done with pregnancy. .I want the payoff. ..I want our baby. I want to hold her and see her and cuddle her. ... . I'm still a little scared. .but more excited than anything! I know that the longer Baby E cooks in there the better it is. . .but I'm impatient. .what can I say?? :)

Had a doctor's appt. yesterday. .. . .so I wanted to update about that since I asked for all your good thoughts for Baby E and I.

So here's the scoop:

blood pressure was the same as last week 120/90 but since my labs were fine he's not concerned

he said that my platelets were on the high side of normal (which is 250 and mine were like 250-something) he didn't explain what it meant though. . does anyone out there know??

I did however gain a pound and suffer the indignity of having my nether regions (yes that's plural!!) swabbed for strep b. .and "while he was there" he did an internal (do they always hurt like that?? owie)

we also had a quick ultrasound to check baby E's position - head/face down!!! guess she's getting ready for her debut!

saw her heartbeat and her (apparently full) bladder she's so cute . . . . . or. . . maybe not ROFL

so that's it from here. . .just getting ready for the holiday . . . I'm all done shopping and wrapping (mostly). Saturday I'm baking. . . and then it'll be time to enjoy! Hard to believe that NEXT christmas. . Baby E will be almost a year old!!! yikes!


Blogger ~Mel said...

Glad to hear that the doc is happy with your blood pressure - the time will fly by now!

7:12 AM  

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