Monday, September 01, 2008

We hit the beach today!!!

Ellery's never been to the beach - so John and I decided that we'd take her today!!!! We always go up to Hampton Beach!

We have a whole bunch of traditions in regards to the beach and I'm VERY particular about everything LOL:

We leave the house by 9am - CHECK (well . . 9:15)
We have an indepth discussion about which exit off the highway to take and normally choose the wrong one - CHECK
We park in the SAME parking lot - off the street that's the first left after McDonald's - CHECK
We have the same lunch - Yummy Sabo's subs - CHECK
We end the afternoon with Blink's Fried Doe (spelled wrong ROFL) and Lemonade - CHECK

SO - this was Ellery's first trip - I expected her to be somewhat timid with the ocean. .. but boy was I wrong. She marched right in like she was walking into a teeny tiny puddle!!!! lol that baby has NO fear. We had a great time. . the waves were HUGE and John had Ellery out with him jumping the waves (in his arms) - I was being ABUSED by the waves over and over. .LOL but i loved it!!!

Ellery wasn't quite sure what to make of the saltwater taste ROFL and she definately did not like that weird feeling of the sand rushing out from under your feet as the waves go back out....I happen to very much dislike that as well LOL LOL

All in all it was a fabulously fun family day at Hampton :)


Blogger *alicia* said...

She is getting so big :( I love your suit! It sounds like you all had a fantastic time.

6:53 PM  

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