Wednesday, January 10, 2007

38 week thoughts and doctor's appointment

so....38 weeks. . the homestretch. I'm all at once sooo excited and SOOO terrified. . . who knew that there are so many EMOTIONS when it comes to pregnancy. LOL

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday - nothing exciting (sadly LOL). My weight is exactly the same. . . from my last WW weigh in (which was the day before I took my pregnancy test) I have gained exactly 40lbs. Hopefully that'll be it. . . .not that I'm obsessed with my weight but I lost 54lbs right before getting pregnant. . so it would be nice not to gain it ALL back LOL.

Let's see. . what else. . my blood pressure was actually pretty low, which was nice. . .blood work from last time all came back fine. . . . . blah blah blah. . . had a frickin' internal (OMG that hurts). . .and NOTHING is happening :( I am neither dilated nor effaced :( . I know that logically it means NOTHING because I could go from being nothing to having this baby. . . and I know that even if I was dilated it doesn't mean I'd have her anytime soon. . but it's sort of a mental thing. .you know??!!!

I asked Dr. Freedman yesterday about induction. I.e. how long they would wait before they induce. He said about 41.5 weeks - which would put me in February. Hmm February's birthstone is prettier ROFL :) Let's hope it doesn't come to that. He said that they don't like to induce before that because I would more than likely have a section if they induce too early.

I made an appointment to see him next week (I have to actually go to the hospital to see him. . groan) . . maybe I won't need it


Blogger ~Mel said...

Wow - the home stretch! You've made it this far, so you'll definitely be able to pull it out til the end. I'm telling myself that as well as telling you.

That's good that you had a normal appointment - you don't want to have something wrong, so a normal appointment is ideal. Just keep thinking that!

And don't let the dilation or effacing get to you mentally. It can do a number on you, so just keep telling yourself that you'll be at that point for the next two weeks. It'll help you mentally.

And as a February baby myself - I agree that the birthstone is quite pretty.

Glad to hear things are going well! She'll be here before you know it, so take this time to reflect.

7:26 AM  

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